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Watch online – Ageing creatively with music by Andrea Creech
Ageing creatively with music by Andrea Creech
There is growing interest in the potential for creative musical engagement to enhance resilient and creative ageing. Later-life can be a period of profound creativity, where older people use creative outlets for reflection on their own unique stories and personal healing. It is within creative spaces that older people can experience a humanised old age and continuing sense of citizenship. This lecture introduces the salutogenic model of health, whereby positive adjustment to health changes relate to personal agency, skills, social belonging, communication, cognitive understanding, and structure. Case study examples demonstrate how creative musical social engagement may foster positive physiological, cognitive, social and emotional outcomes.
Andrea Creech gave her speech as part of ArtsEqual's Colloquium "Participatory arts in later-life" on the 28th of April 2016 in The Helsinki Music Centre’s Auditorium.